My Health

A companion app for patients diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma to manage their care plan


Clinical trials and in-person consultations are essential for collecting patient data and formulating plans, but patients often struggle to attend due to their severe condition.

Primary Research

Interaction Design

Visual Design

User Testing

8 Months,2019

Primary Research findings

Conducted interviews with patients and healthcare providers to gather data on current challenges.

Challenges for patients

High Medication doses cause severe fatigue to patients
Regular visits to hospitals are ardous
Majority of patients were over 65 years, and are not very verse using a smartphone

Challenges for healthcare providers

Hard to find oncologists specialising in Multiple Myeloma
Physical forms and prescriptions are manual task and hard to track
Trusted sources of information on Multiple Myeloma are scarce on the internet.


As a patient or caregiver, I want convenient access care plan and communicate symptoms from home. This allows the medical team to monitor patients health and contribute to Multiple Myeloma research.

User Testing

I did design validation with patients to test my designs concepts. This was done remote via microsoft teams. Patients were given the design prototype and were asked to interact and share what they experienced.

Below changes were feedback and changes made to the designs after user testing.

Final Designs

Guided Journey

Cards on the top guide the patients at all times on actions they need to take. The information on the cards changes depending on the context.

My Care Plan

Care plan prescribed by physicians to track medications, symptoms and upcoming appointments.


Daily/Weekly/Mothly survey’s are sent to the patients by their physicians to keep track of their health.

Medication Tracking

Patients can track medications that they need to consume as prescribed by their physicians and mark them as “Taken or “Not Taken”.

Symptom Reporting

Patients can log symptoms they face multiple times of the day.


Track upcoming appointments with physicians and lab tests.

My Data

Patient reported data is collated in the second tab. The same data can be exported easily and shared with their physicians and caregivers.

Check-In Surveys

Cards on the top guide the patients at all times on actions they need to take. The information on the cards changes depending on the context.


  • Empathising with the patients helped me get closer to understanding their needs.
  • Engaging with various stakeholders, each with their unique perspectives and constraints deepened my collaboration skills.
  • I learned the different ways data can be shown to the user through graphs.
  • User testing was crucial as it helped me validate my designs with the patients.

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